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A New Hope: Claiming a Small, Yet Important, Victory in the Battle to Turn My Children Away from the Dark Side of the Force (i.e., Country Music)

I've been trying to reprogram my children's musical tastes, feeding them a steady diet of classic and modern rock whenever possible. At long last, I can report real progress.

Today, the Bride and the kids picked me up from the train station. We stopped at Blockbuster, and the Bride ran inside to rent a copy of The L Word (for her) and Things to Do In Denver When You're Dead (for me). The radio was set to 92.5 WXTU, Philly's only country station. I seized the opportunity like George W. seizing a pretext to wage war in the Middle East. I punched buttons wildly. After a few seconds, the chorus of the Foo Fighters' "The Best of You" filled the car.

"Daddy!" Parker called from his car seat. "Leave that on."

"Leave what on?" I asked, baiting him.

"The Best Of You."

He remembered it. He actually remembered it from our car trip to the library this Saturday afternoon, where we feasted upon the audio delights of Fountains of Wayne, Queens of the Stone Age, the Stones, Blondie and yes, the Foo Fighters... far, far away from his mother's Sith-like musical influences.

This is only the beginning. I won't completely rest until Sarah is hoisting the car lighter and asking for the "motherfucking Clash."

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